Bill Audit

Bill Audit

To benefit from this feature, our customer will initially be offered the possibility to upload on the platform all the billing meters’ relevant information such as the meters’ multiplication factors. Subsequently, and upon receiving a utility bill, information from the bills such as the reading date and the meter index will be uploaded onto the platform by the customer.

To benefit from this feature, our customer will initially be offered the possibility to upload on the platform all the billing meters’ relevant information such as the meters’ multiplication factors. Subsequently, and upon receiving a utility bill, information from the bills such as the reading date and the meter index will be uploaded onto the platform by the customer.

If the feed relevant to this utility is tracked on our platform, (whether generated by a customer-owned meter or through the same meter used for the billing), the platform shall then check for billing errors.

It goes without saying that our platform is constantly updated with the latest publicly available utility tariff structures as published in the region (Dewa, ADDC, FEWA, SEC….). In case the concerned utility is supplied to the customer through a specific agreement (typical in the case of a district cooling agreement for example), the customer will be periodically reminded to reconfirm the tariff structure so as the platform keeps the most updated version of these tariffs.